Passekudah & Kalkudah
The bay of Passekudah has a beautiful beach with shallow and calm water, as it is enclosed by a reef. The bay consists mainly of resorts that have been built after the war and the tsunami.
At the eastern part of the beach is the local beach, which on the wekends and holidays is full of locals swimming in their normal clothes.
Sun Aqua is a beautiful resort with nice bungalows and infinity pool.
Passekudah town
The town of Passekudah is a quaint small town where the cows roam in the streets and dry fish are sold in big baskets.
We have not yet visited Kalduha, but it is supposed to be the calmer beach just south of Passekudah.
At the eastern part of the beach is the local beach, which on the wekends and holidays is full of locals swimming in their normal clothes.
Sun Aqua is a beautiful resort with nice bungalows and infinity pool.
Passekudah town
The town of Passekudah is a quaint small town where the cows roam in the streets and dry fish are sold in big baskets.
We have not yet visited Kalduha, but it is supposed to be the calmer beach just south of Passekudah.